Monday, April 20, 2009

It's All in Your Head

I recently read an article about scientific myths and the number one on the list was placebos.

Ever since first hearing about placebos in science class I have been intrigued by them.

In this article it talks about how the mind actually alters your bodies biochemistry. 

What they did was:
1)induce pain in subjects
2)supply morphine

Then they later:
3)induced pain
4) supplied a saline solution (ie sugar/salt water)

They found that the subjects reacted as if they had been given morphine.

They then:
5)induced pain
6)supplied solution which contained a drug that BLOCKED the affects of morphine.

They found that subjects continued to feel pain.

They concluded that the mind/brain was actually affecting the biochemistry of the body. Afterall you can find biochemicals within the body which are same/similar to morphine (I forget what they are called... opioids that are something else... I'll maybe look it up later).

Other studies have shown that the placebo effect can decrease the size of tumors, reduced stiffness in parkinsons, cure depression and a vast array of other affects.

Cool, no?

For more details click here to read the article.


There was something I wanted to talk about but at this moment in time I can't figure out what it was.

So instead while the back of my brain mulls over what it was I will talk about my morning.

This morning I was dreaming.

I was dreaming about how I had to get home and that I was flying to Canada and somehow this transported me to Canada from Helsinki, via like a 5minute flight.

I then realized that I had to eat a banana and get my brother to give me some book.

Yes, I know weird, convuluted.

So I am eating my banana when my brother comes into the room and then I had the same brain freeze as I am having this post where I can't figure out what I have to say. So I offer him a mango.

He then hits me in the arm.

It doesn't hurt.

I wake up as I realize in my dream that punches like that usually bruise me and that since it didn't that I must be having a dream.

Then I woke up thinking I had overslept. Panicked and looked at my cell for the time and realized I had awoken about 30 seconds before my annoying alarm of doom sounded to snap me out of my dream.

I then rushed through the morning rituals, made a salad grabbed a pile of fruit and got out the door.

Upon arriving at work I found that I was the first one there and therefore locked out. I waited 20minutes before someone with a key arrived.

I am still clocking in at 8 though!

Head & Wall: Update

Yay, I have chosen a theme for Head & Wall.

However one little problem, it has this annoying QUENCHMAG thing written in the header where it should say Head and Wall.

And if my techyfriends can't tell me how to fix that I will have to find a new theme :(

Yes, sad since this is the best one if have found so far for my purposes!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Good Little Girl Syndrome

A female co-worker of mine described some girls as having "Good little girl syndrome" which is tagged onto women that want to please others and are "nice".

I found that distinctly insulting on behalf of the women who are nice.

She went onto say that women like that won't be successful at work and get trampled on. That they are socially trained to behave in a manner that isn't truly female. I admit this is partially true but my belief that has to do with unconfident women that feel they need to be submissive.

I thought the term (it was in Finnish) was... let's say wrong.

It is generally not used outside of Feminist discourse. And feminism is strong in Finland.

There is nothing wrong with a woman in power.

But I think Finns might be taking it a bit far (or at least the older generation and some of mine).

They see the "feminine" as weak. Nurturing, caring, and other characteristics.

I think that these characteristics generally occure naturally in women (hormones, genes etc). I believe it is both a strength and weakness.

We exist in dualities. There is male and female, black and white, love and hated, etc etc.

Neither is better or worse than the other.

I think it is truly sad that there are women out there that do not glory in being female.

There is strength in being Female, it is not always the same as Male but both can be used to get ahead in life.

Work life is highlighted in Finland as being incredibly important, and that Feminine characteristics do not let you get ahead in that field, ergo belittling them.

However I believe a truly confident woman, who has embraced her duality can be successful as well.

And also thinking on this, will that woman be truly happy suppressing her feminine side and bringing the masculine side to the fore even though it makes her successful business?

I don't know... 

What do you think?


A friend of mine asked how do you get a person with negative thoughts to change how they think.

I told him that they have to be a) willing to change or b) brainwashed.

I'm more for the willing to change aspect than the forceful brainwashing. Brainwashing is easy to do on most people, however if they have a strongly defined sense of Self than most likely regular and even some advanced brainwashing techniques won't work.

I think however if you approach the matter the right way you can get a negative person to at least try thinking in a more positive manner.

A simple exercise can be done to show them how. Have them keep a journal of their thoughts and experiences.

Then have them go back with a marker and highlight all the negative word choices and phrases. Then have them rewrite whatever possible in a more positive light.

That's one way, there are others. But thats a basic psychological technique used to treat people with depression and other psychological issues.

Also being positive relieves stress, generally keeps you healthier and happier as well.

Update: H&W

Okay so I don't have a theme selected yet... but there are so many!

I will start blogging if not during then right after the weekend when I have a full day to play with it.

As for now I will continue to blog here until I have H&W prettied up.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tim Hortons - So Not Needed

It was commented earlier that Finland couldn't possibly be anything like Canada since it does not have Tim Hortons.

I disagree.

Though Finland lacks Timmy's, Finland does not lack in coffee culture. Actually I think Finland surpasses Canada.

You know how in the UK they say its Tea time? Well in Finland it's coffee time.

Finns generally have coffee at breakfast, than at around the brunch our, then again at lunch, then between lunch and supper and finally as an evening desert.

Those are by the way the "official" times that Finns indulge in their seemingly favorite beverage.

It is not easy to find a Finn that does not drink coffee (I don't, but I haven't lived in Finland all my life)

And though finland does not have TimBits, Finland has munks (munkkies) which I think are just better than timbits, so much more flavor and healthier (not by much but they are!) And a variety of other pastries, breads and other baked goods Canada rarely gets a chance to even see in a photo.

Frankly I think Finns should just hook themselves up to an IV full of caffeine. Also I believe I've heard it that Finnish coffee is stronger  than it's Canadian counterpart... not sure, since I don't drink.

But at every corner in Finland you will find a Kahvila (coffee place) oh and an ice cream parlour/stand. Finns love ice cream and they eat it all year round. While in Canada it feels more of a Spring/Summer treat, though maybe that is just me.

Lastly, almost all Finns speak English these days, and I know some people there who have been here over a decade, don't know a word of Finnish but still get along just fine. So don't let your inability to speak Finnish stop you from coming to visit this higly caffeinated country.

Also Timmy's could make it big in Finland... if they changed their coffee and products to suit Finnish tastes.

Seeing the Negative

Ever met one of those people that always see the negative in everything?

A former co-worker would always find something negative. For example it was a cloudy day, "It's dark and depressing out there" When the sky was blue, sun shining and the birds singing, she'd say "I hate this time of year, it's too bright!"

I think in the two months I knew her she did not say a single positive thing about anything.

For myself I can't get how a mind can stay so negative all the time and function. It was depressing just talking to her, I don't know why anyone would want to be in that state of mind.

And seriously it is a choice. A person can choose whether or not to have positive or negative thoughts. One of the treatments for depression IS changing cognitive thought patterns. And that method is much more effective in the long term than any drugs.

If I start thinking negatively, start hearing those "woe is me", "buts..." "I hate" thoughts in my head and change it around to the positive. 

It just take a little effort until your mind catches on and starts doing it automatically.

Head and Wall

There will be less posts on this blog now that I have my site. But until I have it fully set up I will continue to post and eventually transfer posts onto

Fellow Blogger and friend Dorian has offered his computer expertise in helping me figure out how to navigate my wordpress site.

First up for me to do is decide on what Theme (how the site will look and be navigated). 

Anyone know any good free wordpress theme websites?

I am so excited, it will be fun having my own site and posting what I want in a more organized fashion.

No more scrolling! Just point click open page and read.

I will have to see if I can get a theme that resembles a newspaper where there will be snippets of information so you can decide whether or not to go to the new posting or not!

Head and Wall is UP

I have now had Head and Wall registered.

It needs a lot of work but at least it is up!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My New Site Name... I think

Head and Wall

It hasn't been registered or anything yet but I am liking it.

Often I feel as if I am hitting my head against a brickwall from coming up with ideas, talking to people or more positively bouncing off ideas off of a wall.

Well generally in that sense I use people as sounding boards, but that's a wall too!

Pliers + Teeth = Frustration

I have to say I am missing Canada.

It's really the lack of noise and openess. 

Finns don't talk unless they have been drinking. The Finns that do talk are generally from the Karjala region (my mom's mom is, so now I know why she talks so much) And a couple other areas outside of Helsinki.

Finns don't know what to do with small talk. It can make them uncomfortable. There are even some Finns that do not volunteer any information about themselves unless asked a direct question.

And I mean direct, and then they answer the question with no more or less than is absolutely required. They don't volunteer, nor do they reciprocate in asking questions back at you.

Of course the person asking the questions ends up feeling uncomfortable, because really do you want to pry so much for information? It is like pulling teeth. The person does not want to give any information why waste energy on them?

The situation is different when they have been drinking, then it's difficult to shut them up and tone them down.

Of course not all Finns are an absolute struggle, as I said it depends on region and also their background.

If the Finn has travelled, has an outgoing partner, is from a more chatty region...

But I myself don't like tearing out teeth from a clenched jaw that makes me do all the work.

How can you learn anything about a person if you have to ask the questions and they supply nothing but a direct answer?

Of course this is handy at times when looking for direct information, but it is a pain when you want to get to know someone!

I have to add that I have met a lot of nice Finns that once I've cracked their shells turn into fun and talkative people, though still a bit more quiet than the average Canadian.

Slowly I will alter Finnish culture into accepting small talk as the norm!


I was sitting in the car thinking about how I wished I had seen a reindeer while I was in Ruka.

Suddenly, the car slows down from 120km/h to about 60km/h. I sit up and look out the window. And there standing by the side of the road staring at the car is a reindeer.

How often does something you think about come to pass? 

Is it simply that we are more likely to notice because we were thinking about it? Like the confirmation bias? Was it simple coincidence? Or are we pulling strings that most of us aren't aware of, turning our thoughts into hard reality?

On a side note; Dorian what do endomorphins have to do with you using Twitter-like programs? Did you mean endorphins?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


My brother told me that I should start using Twitter.

I told him that he was crazy. No way am I going to let the net the rule my life like that. That and I don't follow it myself and since I don't I doubt people like me would :P

Twitter... twits... that's all I say on that.

Now blogging I enjoy, I get to write as much or as little as I want and I don't annoy people with constant... *tweets*? I don't know what they are called but I think that's it.

I mean come on do you need people to know what you are doing every minute of every day? How much can you get done when you are constantly updating your twitter like some people do?

I actually set this blog to post at later points in the day when I'm in the mood.

I am all for writing and expressing yourself but even for me Twitter seems a little much.

In a Haze

I'm sitting at my desk, trying to work but it's as if the world is a cottonball.

Everything is hazy and soft. From my keyboard to my focus.

It's like my mind is mirroring the weather. Foggy and chill. Everything is hard to move, from my fingers to my thoughts. 

I am slowly slogging away at work, and now I am writing this in an attempt to wake my mind up a little bit so that I can get my work done more efficiently.

So far it isn't working. I can feel my eyelids weighing down and my thoughts clouding over even as I write this...

Guess I will go back to struggling at work...

Cold Wake ups

I hate, absolutely hate waking up to the cold.

I love going to sleep in a cold room, bundled in a down blanket. But to wake up to a cold room in torture.

This morning I woke up and barely persuaded myself to get up and go to work. The cold made me shiver and raised some goosebumps. An ancient remnant of when we had fur and goosebumps were affective for something.

So wrapped in my blanket I quickly dressed and stumbled my way to the kitchen, which was warmer. Made tea, gulped it down and then tossed my blanket back into my room before leaving the house.

The air was damp, drizzling and chill.  Oh, how I want to go back to bed right now!

On the plus side I am getting a hair cut today and it should be +13 today in Helsinki.

Cross you fingers.

Back to Reality

Well, I'm back from Ruka, Finland which is about an hour south of Lapland. I saw reindeer.

And snow, lots of snow. I am bruised and my muscles ache. But I had fun.

I will be doing short posts today since I have to catch up.

I am also stuffed with food and cranky from lack of sleep.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Muscles, they scream

I went skiing for the first time in like 8 or more years.

My muscles now remind me of this daily. I ache in my triceps, in my back, in my calves, hips, and thighs. And of course I have bruises on top of that.

My legs are so stiff I can barely bend them!

I think I took it a little fast!

Just have to keep it up, work with the ache, but not so bad that I injure myself.

The weather is magnificent and the snow deep.

Well I'm off again. No not to ski, I don't think my legs can support me!

I went for a 3 hour walk and didn't start regretting that until about 10minutes after I got back to the cottage and took my boots off. Now the muscles that weren't key in skiing ache.

Why can't it give you these warning pains when you start?!

Off to eat now!

Blogging quickly from Ruka, Finland

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Greetings from the North!

I am up north in Rukka, Finland!

My posts will be more brief since I will be out in the snow humiliating myself and having wicked fun.

I will try to post some pictures of my trip here tomorrow. But I just arrived and I am dead tired after hours of travel.

I can't wait to show you Finland's landscape, it is so different than Canada! Or rather it is Canada but greatly compressed!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ramblings 27: In the Moment

I was just on Reddit reading comments made by a person who was high and also happened to have a psychology degree.

He talked about living in the moment, living in the now and setting a goal and defining what is important in your life.

His really long comments had to do with a person asking how to stop drinking.

I really couldnt agree more with what he said. The power is in you to change, not some external thing.

If you don't want to, then you wont.

And I think AA is another way people are brainwashed :x. I look at the steps and all I can do is shake my head, believe in a higher power, acknowledge you have no control... etc etc.


I'm sure it works for some... but thinking that I have no power or choice... no will over what I do. Well that's just something I can't and never will accept.

Author: cedargrove

Forehead: Place Stamp Here

There are somedays when I wonder if there is something written on my forehead that compels people to ask me for advice or my viewpoint on something.

No this isn't just friends, it is acquaintances, co workers and people at bus stops. 

I guess I should be a little flattered, and I don't mind sharing my view, as seen by my blog I think. But really I have to wonder what it is that causes people just start talking to me about the problems they are having.

Or maybe people just do this to everyone they meet... 


I hate being hungry.

Currently my stomach is attempting to turn inside out so that it can devour me.

I think it is rather upset that I didn't have breakfast.

I was in a rush! Last minute packing for my trip to Rukka and packing my lunch for the day and cleaning up... all in under 15minutes.

Yes, I am an idiot, I overslept. But oh it felt so good!

Ever noticed that being hungry is the worst for like the first hour and then you forget that you are hungry? And only hours later do you start feeling dizzy and nauseaus from lack of food? I've fasted before so I know you can last.

I think its withdrawal.

Of course you shouldn't starve your body. But its the worst if you have been eating crap, then your body is all like give me chocolate! Give me a hamburger!

Thank god my stomach is crying out for a steak and salad at the moment. I've been eating a lot of vegetables, and I mean a lot the body needs to consume a lot of greens to keep energy up.

So now my stomach is twisting and turning and I'm trying to ignore it so it will leave me alone for the next two hours!

Wish me luck

Monday, April 6, 2009

Gifts - Appreciation

I was brought up on the habit of bringing a gift to places you go to visit relatively formally(family, friends and acquaintances).

From visiting with relatives for coffee to a nice social dinner. Really it depends on how the invite was made. And sometimes that can throw you.

Gifts are genearlly something little, a box of chocolates, candles, napkins, flowers etc. It is sort of a thank you as well as a sign of appreciation for the person the effort they are showing for you.

I would not bring my best friends little random presents every single time I go for a visit.

this habit is something I was brought up on. 

But really deciding what to give and whether it is appropriate can be a serious headache!

Not to mention if you go out socially on formalish occasions you might end up broke. Thank goodness it is little gifts, or even flowers from your garden or something you baked.

Now I have been invited by my Uncle (really his wife) to Rukka for Easter. Because of Finnish social structure and polite behavior I do not have to bring anything. Since he is higher status than me, being an older relative.

However I'd like so show appreciation for him sharing the celebration and his cottage.

So I am going to buy a bottle of white wine. Problem is I know nothing of wine. So I will have to ask for help in the store.

About Me

I thought I'd post a little about myself :)

I am a twenty-something female, currently living in Finland.

I have lived in Finland, Canada (Ontario and Quebec) and the USA (Florida and Atlanta).

I dual majored in Psychology and Writing & Communication at the University of Toronto.

I love languages, and I love to read just about everything. I university I took a variety of classes from philosophy to economics.

At about the later half of my time at University I started having the feelings that I wasn't being taught something really valuable.

I was being taught facts, but it felt like I was giving puzzle pieces, except the pieces didn't fit and were sometimes missing.

Did you ever have that?

The most notable of this was during my psychology courses. We would speak of genetics, evolution, and a more holistic approach. But it was as if we were touching the surface and part of that surface was fake and the insides nearly empty.

I think a lot of this came from my Writing Program. In that course we were taught to think. Taught to doubt, question, analyze and be critical of everything. We were taught to research ourselves.

No longer were the words of my professors something written in stone. I realized they didn't really know what they were talking about in somethings or simply alluding to others.

One of the best things to do, I discovered, was look at who was involved in research, check out who did the funding. 

For example would you REALLY trust a study on the affects of smoking funded by the Tobacco companies? So why do you trust research funded by companies such as Monsanto with the quality of your food?

No matter the checks and controls in a study, the person funding it has a say in its release. If it will be, how much will be released. And also what information and how it is worded.

Did you know it is incredibly hard to find research in the USA that is not funded by someone that shouldn't be funding it in the first place?

Do you want good research? Then check out torrents, European, Asian and non-USA journals.

But always always check. Sometimes they do it through a third party company or by another branch name that isn't easily recognized.

Well back to me, I have a brother also that influenced me when he started doing his own diggings into truth and health.

He would send me articles and videos about his discoveries. From hard-core conspiracies to things that have been proven to be true (though they were conspiracies at the time).

Our world just isn't what it seems. Time to take off the bull-shit glasses and take a look.

Moving the Blog Cont'd

As I have spoken before, I will be moving my blog onto a website... as soon as I figure out a name.

I might just end up flipping a coin.

Anyway I will organize my site so that everything will be nicely categorized. ie Ramblings in the Ramblings section with subcategories on the topics. Travel experiences in the travel section with subcategories of location, etc etc etc.

So now for the name... eventually... where's my coin...

Miserable Weather

Weather has this annoying affect on me. If it is cloudy and dreary it makes me sleepy and bummed out.

I think it probably affects a lot of us like that. I think it also has to do with the lack of sun.

Ever heard of Seasonal Depressive Disorder? That's when people feel depressed in the winter months.

Some people think that this depression is all in the mind, and not due to lack of sunlight.

But it is funny how it is "cured" when the people who suffer from it purchase Natural Lights, (light bulb that mimic the sun's light) and have the light in the room with them.

Supposedly shining it on the back of your legs (knee joints) helps as well.

I kind of wonder why every Finn in Finland doesn't have those lights in their home. After all they barely have 4 hours of light in the winter. I think a little natural light might boost the mood here. 

The problem is not so great in Canada, though I think we could all benefit from those lights... especially people who sit in front of their computers all day. You know who you are!

Human beings are just walking, talking plants! We need the sun to survive and apparently not just for Vitamin D.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter - Finland's Halloween

Virvon varvon tuoreeks terveeks, tulevaks vuuveks!

Kui monta urpaa nii monta uuhta,

kui monta varpaa nii monta vasikkaa,

kui monta oksaa nii monta orhii,

kui monta lehtee nii monta lehmää,

kui monta latvaa nii monta lammasta.

The above is a sampling of the Finnish version of "Trick or Treat"

The Easter tradition is strong in Finland, and every Easter morning little Finnish children dress up as witches and carry baskets containing coffee, eggs and other things. These suit covered witches go knocking on doors and chanting various verses for treats. The more children that come to your more home the more luck and blessings upon the house. And for the kids the more houses they manage to get you is one of honor... and treats.

The above is most common that I heard. Approximately. It is a blessing on the new year and upon the house.

The children are then given chocolates and other goodies.

This tradition is call "Virpominen".

It has to do with how people greeted Jesus in Jerusalem with palm branches. However in this case its pussy willow branches decorated with little eggs and colorful feathers, ribbons and papers. It is also common to gift the houses with these branches along with various blessings.

The verse above is approximately translated as:

By this branch I wish you much health and greetings on this new year

with many catkins, many eyes

with many branches, many calves

with many buds, many stallions,

with many leaves, many cows

with many branches, many sheep

(full of error, it was written in a dialect, but this is the gist of it) If someone wants to have a better translation, comment and I'll work harder at it! Or submit one...which ever :)

I just thought this was nifty :) I had never heard of it before. Apparently its roots come from Karjala and is also influenced a little by Russia.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Finland - Food & Work


The Finnish diet seems to be largely bread and potatoes. They have really, really good bread in a variety that you can't come close to in Canada, unless you go to specialty stores and even then you rarely get the quality.

I think it's is largely due to the fact Canada and the USA do not have the same quality standards in their products. The food here in Finland seems to be more nutritious, have more flavor and be more effective. I made some buns with the traditional Canadian recipe. I ended up with nearly double the amount the recipe indicated.

However food here is more expensive. On a good point you could say that is good. But veggies and fruits will burn a hole through your pocket rather fast. But they are good.

Well I'm told they are not even close to what you get in Asia (at least according to my brother who was recently there), such as Hong Kong, let alone Kuala Lampur (pardon the spelling). I think THAT is due to the fruits and vegs having to travel greater distances and therefore are not permitted to ripen as well.

That and the EU is getting more and more genetically modified foods. But at least it is more restricted and controlled here.

But the food is good here. I don't get why people come to Finland and say it tastes like crap.

I am more of the opinion that most Finns don't sit down and enjoy the meal. It is all rush and no savoring of quality ingredients and well made recipes.

Finns need to relax, sit down and take more than 10minutes to eat a 3 course meal. I mean seriously not even more Canadians are that bad!

The food isn't spice, but it is generally fresh and good quality. Generally you can taste the ingredients involved.

And my Canadian friends when eating Finnish fare at my home in Canada have all enjoyed it and frequently asked for recipes themselves.

So no it isn't a matter of taste, but a matter of apprecation and taking the time to enjoy a meal.

As I have heard now more and more. Finns seem to act like life is work. They don't stop to appreciate what they have. Though some do, but I have to say that Finns have a REALLY good work ethic.

They just need to relax. And not work and rush.

*Note coming to Finland in the summer is the best, a large majority of Finns are using holiday leave, around 6 weeks I believe. Though I think most take just 3weeks off in the summer so they have some for the rest of the year. By the way 6 weeks + government holidays ie Christmas, easter, etc etc. Finns get a lot of time of and know how to use it generally.

A lot of Finns travel or migrate to their relaxing summer cottages!

Finland - Crossing Streets

A native Finn asked me for an example of what Finns did differently than people in Canada.

I told her one thing is how they cross streets. In Canada as long as the way is clear you cross the street, even if you have a Red Pedestrian light. You even jaywalk. Technically illegal but very rarely reinforced. And not just when the way is clear, we have people crossing the streets at random in Toronto. Drives the people in cars crazy.

And then if a pedestrian is on a rise in the middle of the street, cars generally, not always, but generally will slow down or stop so they can get completely across the street. This is only the case if there are no street lights where the person is crossing.

In Canada the driver gets all the blame if you hit an idiot that crosses where they aren't supposed to.

I then told her that in Finland a large majority will stand at the crosswalk, waiting for the Pedestrian light to go GREEN before they cross.

Which is all when and good, except that often there are no cars in sight or so far off that you can safely cross before it gets there. Also most Finns only cross and crosswalks.

She and her friend adamantly denied this, saying no! You must not be in Helsinki, we all cross is there are no cars!

And I say, and my English friends says No. There are so many Finns that do this that it isn't "just a few". It isn't just elderly or mothers. Most Finns will stand and wait until that light changes.

She then said, there is nothing wrong with standing there, if I am not in a rush I will wait for the light to change!

The English guy's and my jaw dropped to the floor. If you have spare time why the hell would you stand like a fool at the intersection staring at a light? Frankly I would have better things to do. Like maybe shopping, or getting a snack or taking in the sights... something better than standing at a crosswalk waiting for the light.

The Finn went on to say, well I will cross, except if there is a child without a grown-up, then I won't since it sets a bad example!

At this the Englishmen and I exchanged laughing looks, and said at about the same time, "I wouldn't have even noticed!"

Friday, April 3, 2009

Multicultarism - The Experience

After coming to Finland I have been encountering more and more people from different cultural backgrounds.

This seems mainly because they gather together in a tight knit group, they all know each other or know someone that does. There is the occasional Finn that infiltrates the group, but usually they are quickly spotted and fade away after a few interactions.

This is not from any intentional actions on party of the Multicultural group (let's call them MCs) but more that they seem to feel uncomfortable around the boisterious and loud group that isn't even intoxicated yet.

There are also Finns that have various MC backgrounds or have lived outside of Finland for a few years and absorbed different cultures in that time. They blend in magnificently.

It is interesting that all the MCs I meet have similar reactions to all non-MCs, be they from Finland, Canada, China, India, Africa or anywhere else. 

MCs find it difficult to view the world the same way non-MCs do. MCs often observe that non-mcs believe their cultures to be superior to others, (unconsciously for the most part) and often don't think of global perspectives. It is all local.

I guess it is hard to imagine the size of their world if you live on one street your whole life.

Not all people that travel are MCs. You have to actually live with people from a different culture and let it touch you. Take down the barriers and be willing to see through anothers eyes.

All this I hear again and again from people. I know people from single-cultural backgrounds might take offence, none is intended. I am not implying lack of intelligence, skill or anything else.

It is just a different perspective when you walk in anothers shoes.

I believe you can probably acquire it even in your home country if you go out of your town/village/city/state or province. Or simply living with a different family.

The thing is, and here I think is where it gets tricky, you have to OPEN yourself up to it.

Ramblings 22: Notes and Sunflowers

I think I ramble a lot. 54 postings and nearly half of them are Ramblings...

Though perhaps they all are.

What is sometimes frustrating is that I will come up with an idea that I think would be cool to blog about and then when I start writing I realize I have completely forgotten what it was.

Occasionally it will uncover itself amidst the ramblings or on a later date but still it is annoying.

I should probably carry a notepad with me all times and jot down ideas. I keep loosing pens though, and mostly I come up with these ideas where it wouldn't be too smart to be scribbling in a notepad...

I think I will look into it. How many ideas are lost because we didn't record them?

On another note. Sunflower Seed Oil.

I am looking for cold pressed sunflower seed oil. But the bottles I have found do not tell me whether or not they are cold pressed or not. Are all sunflower seed oils cold pressed?

I read some where that generally cold pressed sunflower seed oils are used in foods and the heated ones are for industrial purposes.

But I rather know before I buy... so anyone know?

Spring is Coming...!

I woke up this morning at 6:45 and said to myself 5 more minutes.

The next time I opened my eyes was when my last minute alarm startled rattling in my ears. I blinked and saw it was 7:15.

Needless to say I started running. I had to pack my laptop, change of clothes, lunch and get ready for work... all in 10minutes. 

I pulled it off in 12, but I skipped breakfast, which at the moment my stomach is taking issue with me for.

I debated whether to put on a sweater, but decided against and grabbed my fall coat as I ran out the door.

I was pleased to find that it was funny, blue skys and that the temperature was on the positive side.

And to add to this I saw GREEN. Yes, green. That wonderful colour that indicates new things are growing.

So for the rest of the day I am working. And then meeting a friend and somehow try to attend a co-workers Farewell Party an hour after meeting my friend, I figure I can pull that off.

Don't know what I will do upon meeting friend, maybe movie or shopping but right now are the Crazy Days when everything is discounted... but the stores are full. And I hate long check outs!

After having fun with friends I will head to spend the weekend at my grandparents place, I think they want to celebrate an early Easter since I will be going with my uncle's family on the actual day.

Emperors and Generals

I am reading a philosopy/spirituality book that was written way back when. Since I don't have it on me I can't give you a date.

But I'd like to share with you one of the things I read.

There are two pearts the mind and the heart (emotion). The book described the mind as a lord as an Emperor and the Heart as it's Generals.

When the Emperor does not rule the Generals run amock, causing devasation to the land. But when the Emperor rules (and rules well) then the Generals are in line and the land is peaceful.

I really should quote it but like I said don't have it on me at the moment!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


When is it too much?

I seem to be coming across a recent theme in clingy relationships.

I have been getting texts, calls and emails about wanting advice to improbe a relationship. From brand new ones to decade old.

I really don't know why everyone comes to me! I try to help, but I'm not you/them, I can't see all your past experiences, all I can offer is a new look at what they view as an insurmountable obstacle. Generally it is smaller than they think... other times not so much.

There current theme of neediness. I am frequently hearing "Oh, I can't live without him/her" I think my life will just stop! Oh maybe I should break it off right now so it won't hurt more! etc etc etc

And as some of you know or have figured out I tend to be practical and logical about certain things. Also I refuse to go into a relationship where the person I am with is "the air I breathe". Maybe I am a little cynical after having to deal with giving advice so often in these relationships.

But I am not a dramatic person, nor am I excessively emotional generally (or so I think... am I wrong?)

Yes I want a person that can make me happier, that can show me new things and open different worlds for me. But I don't want to loose me. I could become more. But I don't want to stop being me. Make sense?

I want a partner, not a crutch or life support system.

Oh, I like that.

But anyway the usual problem in all the relationships I hear about is lack of COMMUNICATION.

Oh, sure you nod your heads and go, but I do talk to him or her! He/She doesn't listen.

Here's the thing men and women talk different. Men are generally more about showing instead of telling. Women tend to be more verbal. When a woman has a problem she tells her man and he gives her a solution, but that isn't what she wants, she just wants a shoulder to cry on.

Most guys don't want to listen to women as they talk on about things that are unimportant.

Women see this as the men not caring about them. But most guys, wouldn't be with you in the first place if they didn't feel something for you. Vice versa by the way.

But of course most of us are so screwed up that you might just be with a person for security or that you don't want to be alone, etc etc.

Now communication is key, you have to figure out how to do it. You have to be open and honest and not try to manipulate, control or for godsakes CHANGE your partner.

You can NOT change a person unless they themselves want to change. 

Anyway talk with, not AT.

If you tell yourself he/she wouldn't care, wouldn't understand or any tens of thousands of excuses then you are either;

A) Not communicating properly
B) In a relationship you should not be in, in the first place!

I like helping people I do, but I am not a counsellor, psychiatrist, psychologist or in any way a professional.

So why is it that everyone seems to come to me? From strangers to colleagues to friends?

It's not like I have been in thousands of relationships and have tons of experience or something... really I don't! Get that smirk off your face, I'm not lying! 

Do I make sense? I'm losing track.

Okay my little rant is over.

DISCLAIMER: Don't get me wrong, I like when people talk to me or I get to talk to them about problems. But when every where you look the problem has the same root... and all you ever hear about is the solution... 

enjoy your emotions, 
don't drown in them


Finland is a country-sized library.

It is organized, controlled, full of knowledge and advanced (technology). It also has you keep your voice volume at a near a whisper.

You know you have been in Finland, perhaps a little too long when you associate a loud voice with drunkeness.

Of course most of the time you are right or the person is a Foreigner. Yes, oh my god, a FOREIGNER.

So loud voice equal Drunk or Foreigner.


It's time to start running again.

I tried going up the stairs to work, (nine flights) and came to the end panting for breath. Well it is the morning and even when I was running daily I can't run in mornings. I think its because my body is asleep till about 3pm. (My fastest run speeds have been between 8-10pm)

But really no excuse, and now that the streets aren't covered in ice I believe I will start running... unless they freeze over and then I am so not running.

My body is giving me all the signals. I'm getting edgy, craving better foods, (not comfort foods like bread) and when I do walk I end up doing little half jogs. In heels, which isn't the best idea because it causes my calves to cramp.

So I'm changing my diet again. Cleansing myself of the toxins and colon cloggers consumed over the winter.

Todays lunch is salad, paprika, onion, some other green thing, and another green plant I've forgotten the name of... lettuce, iceberg and... I think it's a weed. The left over tomatoes have soured so I didn't toss those in. And I added some musli for flavor.

Todays super with be steamed rice with mix of semi steamed veggies. And after a fruit salad. All home made.

Before the meal I plan to run right when I get home. Though if flurries start, it won't happen, but cross your fingers that I get me some great running weather.

Oh it will be so nice to exercise OUTSIDE!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why Criticism?

A friend (you know who you are) of mine emailed me:

Here is a thought, to be a good editor someone needs to understand your work. As you have mentioned earlier, some people may not get your writing or meaning in other words. So how do you expect people who do not understand it, to give you a valuable feedback or insights? Sure they’ll catch small things like grammar, but I doubt they would impress you much with anything beyond that.

“How are you supposed to learn when you are not shown what you have done well? You are left guessing what is good and all you see is the bad.”

I tend to think along the lines that we can choose what we see. From this description of your work I take it that you think that you are fairly confident in your ability and performance, but also realize that there is a room to grow. Correct me if I’m wrong. Yet you say you do not know at the same time. It makes my thoughts go back to one of your very first posts, when you said that you are starting to look for answers more and more inside of yourself.

I replied to her in an email, but I believe I will elaborate here a little more.

The reason I look for "insights" from people that don't get my work is to gain perspective. What is it that they do not get? Do they not get it because of lack of background? Do they not get it because I was overly complex or simple? Did they not get because I explained it poorly or focused on the wrong audience?

It all helps me see what I am doing from another's eyes. I like to see how others interpret my work, to see if I was able to convey what was within my mind to them as I wanted to.

Also I want to know how to communicate to people that don't "get" it. Of course I am, above everything else, writing for myself. I write because I enjoy it, I like putting my thoughts, ideas and stories down for others to read.

But sometimes I want to share my ideas, and let people see something through my eyes. And if I can acquire the ability to let them see it, even briefly... well I think that that is just plain cool.

There is always, always, ALWAYS room to grow. To believe otherwise is to be a fool in my opinion. I believe there is always a little more that you can learn, a new skill to acquire and new experiences to gain.

I am looking to myself for answers, but I also want to understand others as well. I am not the centre of the universe... I am just the centre of my life.

And I'd like to learn a little about the others orbiting around me as I go about it.

What is it that makes others tick, how is it that they view me from the centre of their own lives?

Lastly, in the end the writing is mine. I define it, I create it, it is just plain mine. I have the choice to take what others give me in criticisms or not. I do not define myself by then.

I often use writing to clarify my thoughts, as I write it sharpens things that have been tickling at the back of my mind, having people tell me their opinions on strengths/opportunities of stories or posts can give me new ideas and concepts to play with as well. And also allow me to look at something in myself at a different angle.

This is the end of the post, I think I am about to go too far afield and I'm tired! :P


After taking courses on writing, and completing the program I have come to realize that most people really don't know how to edit properly.

Oh sure they get typos and spelling errors, but they don't generally know how to improve on a phrase/piece or to tell you what is missing.

Added to this is that they don't know how to criticise.

By this I mean actually being helpful in what they say.

Generally, criticising has negative connotations for most people, since it implies that you have done something wrong.

Now in my writing courses what we were taught to do is this:

- What are the Strengths?
- What are the Weaknesses?
- What are the Opportunities? 

*** Do I have these right Dorian?

Opportunities are what most people ever hear except that it is all negative. Opportunities appear where there is generally a weakness in the piece or something that the reader/editor feels is missing. This can also include something that is not a weakness but something you think could improve or add to this piece if added or removed.

What you usually hear from people is what you did wrong. You rarely hear about what you did right.

For instance where I am working I handle about seven pages of newspaper. I catch many of my own errors within the writing after several checks.

But of course with this amount of information things fall through the crack. I am not an OCD personality type or anal, I am not that much of a perfectionist, but I do get a large majority.

My proofreader out of thousands of words find 2 to 10 things maybe a week that need correction. Ie neighbor vs neighbour or ".. vs ." 

And then all I hear about is the errors I have made. I do not mention to them that I have to go over every change they made to check that they are viable. Often they are corrections that should not have been done in the first place.

I get that it is important to be precise, and each time I do it I get better at it, less and less fall through the cracks.

But I dislike this superior, snobbish attitude these proofreaders get when I make an error. I do not go rubbing it in their faces when I catch them at an error, or when I see all the errors in the rest of the paper.

How are you supposed to learn when you are not shown what you have done well? You are left guessing what is good and all you see is the bad.

I am used to criticism, I was raised on it as a writer. I like it when people tell me what they like, where they think I should give more details, or what they feel isn't right or whatever else they feel about a piece I have written.

What I don't like is purely negative feedback, feedback I can't work with, feedback that makes you feel shot down as if all the work is shoddy crap.