Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tim Hortons - So Not Needed

It was commented earlier that Finland couldn't possibly be anything like Canada since it does not have Tim Hortons.

I disagree.

Though Finland lacks Timmy's, Finland does not lack in coffee culture. Actually I think Finland surpasses Canada.

You know how in the UK they say its Tea time? Well in Finland it's coffee time.

Finns generally have coffee at breakfast, than at around the brunch our, then again at lunch, then between lunch and supper and finally as an evening desert.

Those are by the way the "official" times that Finns indulge in their seemingly favorite beverage.

It is not easy to find a Finn that does not drink coffee (I don't, but I haven't lived in Finland all my life)

And though finland does not have TimBits, Finland has munks (munkkies) which I think are just better than timbits, so much more flavor and healthier (not by much but they are!) And a variety of other pastries, breads and other baked goods Canada rarely gets a chance to even see in a photo.

Frankly I think Finns should just hook themselves up to an IV full of caffeine. Also I believe I've heard it that Finnish coffee is stronger  than it's Canadian counterpart... not sure, since I don't drink.

But at every corner in Finland you will find a Kahvila (coffee place) oh and an ice cream parlour/stand. Finns love ice cream and they eat it all year round. While in Canada it feels more of a Spring/Summer treat, though maybe that is just me.

Lastly, almost all Finns speak English these days, and I know some people there who have been here over a decade, don't know a word of Finnish but still get along just fine. So don't let your inability to speak Finnish stop you from coming to visit this higly caffeinated country.

Also Timmy's could make it big in Finland... if they changed their coffee and products to suit Finnish tastes.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hmn, apparently if you delete your comment it still leaves a message. I guess I shouldn't try to fix typos ^^

    I don't understand coffee.. I don't like hot drinks in general, though hot chocolate is good on a cold day.

    Sipping hot drinks and trying not to burn yourself, just doesn't appeal to me. Not to mention coffee doesn't taste that great to me, plus I've never noticed caffeine actually make me more awake. Occasionally I'd have a coffee with friends and tried a couple cups when I've been feeling drowsy, and I felt drowsy the rest of the day.

    Though one time at a slumber party I drank a liter of coke before going to sleep, it didn't keep me up, aside from the fact I needed to wake up a couple of times to relieve myself. ^^;
