Monday, April 6, 2009

About Me

I thought I'd post a little about myself :)

I am a twenty-something female, currently living in Finland.

I have lived in Finland, Canada (Ontario and Quebec) and the USA (Florida and Atlanta).

I dual majored in Psychology and Writing & Communication at the University of Toronto.

I love languages, and I love to read just about everything. I university I took a variety of classes from philosophy to economics.

At about the later half of my time at University I started having the feelings that I wasn't being taught something really valuable.

I was being taught facts, but it felt like I was giving puzzle pieces, except the pieces didn't fit and were sometimes missing.

Did you ever have that?

The most notable of this was during my psychology courses. We would speak of genetics, evolution, and a more holistic approach. But it was as if we were touching the surface and part of that surface was fake and the insides nearly empty.

I think a lot of this came from my Writing Program. In that course we were taught to think. Taught to doubt, question, analyze and be critical of everything. We were taught to research ourselves.

No longer were the words of my professors something written in stone. I realized they didn't really know what they were talking about in somethings or simply alluding to others.

One of the best things to do, I discovered, was look at who was involved in research, check out who did the funding. 

For example would you REALLY trust a study on the affects of smoking funded by the Tobacco companies? So why do you trust research funded by companies such as Monsanto with the quality of your food?

No matter the checks and controls in a study, the person funding it has a say in its release. If it will be, how much will be released. And also what information and how it is worded.

Did you know it is incredibly hard to find research in the USA that is not funded by someone that shouldn't be funding it in the first place?

Do you want good research? Then check out torrents, European, Asian and non-USA journals.

But always always check. Sometimes they do it through a third party company or by another branch name that isn't easily recognized.

Well back to me, I have a brother also that influenced me when he started doing his own diggings into truth and health.

He would send me articles and videos about his discoveries. From hard-core conspiracies to things that have been proven to be true (though they were conspiracies at the time).

Our world just isn't what it seems. Time to take off the bull-shit glasses and take a look.

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