Thursday, April 2, 2009


It's time to start running again.

I tried going up the stairs to work, (nine flights) and came to the end panting for breath. Well it is the morning and even when I was running daily I can't run in mornings. I think its because my body is asleep till about 3pm. (My fastest run speeds have been between 8-10pm)

But really no excuse, and now that the streets aren't covered in ice I believe I will start running... unless they freeze over and then I am so not running.

My body is giving me all the signals. I'm getting edgy, craving better foods, (not comfort foods like bread) and when I do walk I end up doing little half jogs. In heels, which isn't the best idea because it causes my calves to cramp.

So I'm changing my diet again. Cleansing myself of the toxins and colon cloggers consumed over the winter.

Todays lunch is salad, paprika, onion, some other green thing, and another green plant I've forgotten the name of... lettuce, iceberg and... I think it's a weed. The left over tomatoes have soured so I didn't toss those in. And I added some musli for flavor.

Todays super with be steamed rice with mix of semi steamed veggies. And after a fruit salad. All home made.

Before the meal I plan to run right when I get home. Though if flurries start, it won't happen, but cross your fingers that I get me some great running weather.

Oh it will be so nice to exercise OUTSIDE!

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I didn't know you ran.

    I guess you learn new things everyday.
