Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I hate being hungry.

Currently my stomach is attempting to turn inside out so that it can devour me.

I think it is rather upset that I didn't have breakfast.

I was in a rush! Last minute packing for my trip to Rukka and packing my lunch for the day and cleaning up... all in under 15minutes.

Yes, I am an idiot, I overslept. But oh it felt so good!

Ever noticed that being hungry is the worst for like the first hour and then you forget that you are hungry? And only hours later do you start feeling dizzy and nauseaus from lack of food? I've fasted before so I know you can last.

I think its withdrawal.

Of course you shouldn't starve your body. But its the worst if you have been eating crap, then your body is all like give me chocolate! Give me a hamburger!

Thank god my stomach is crying out for a steak and salad at the moment. I've been eating a lot of vegetables, and I mean a lot the body needs to consume a lot of greens to keep energy up.

So now my stomach is twisting and turning and I'm trying to ignore it so it will leave me alone for the next two hours!

Wish me luck

1 comment:

  1. Good luck. I actually don't feel like eating unless I am properly hungry. The food seems to go down better when I'm that hungry. Also it reminds me of other people who have to go on empty bellies for most of the day, and have no other choice. It makes me thankful, that I can at anytime get up and buy food.
