Sunday, March 29, 2009

Feeding Your Pet

I recently read an article in a pet magazine that was about debunking classic pet animal myths.

One of them was that you shouldn't feed for pet "people" food.

It went on to say that it was okay as long as you don't feed too much and avoid highly processed foods and ones that contain preservatives and other chemical additives.

Okay so pretty much feed your pet natural food.

So it's not okay for your pet dog or cat to eat that MacDonald's burger, for example, but it is okay for you and your kids.

Because if you feed it to your dog or cat, they might get sick, they might get fat.

We apparently value our pets health more than our own. Or maybe in pets the effects are just that much more apparent, after all they barely live a fraction life times. (10-17 years)

Am I the only one that sees something wrong with this picture?

1 comment:

  1. You're right about the food. Many pets also spend less time watching TV, they regularly want to go outside and exercise, (well, ok; the younger dogs do at least) though they do beg for candy and pretty much anything else that looks like it might be edible.

    I actually grilled my dog a beef-bone I got from a local farm along with my monthly order. He wolfed it down. Is that wrong?
