Friday, March 27, 2009

Pretty Day

I am going to be completely innane.

It is so pretty outside. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and cute little fluffy clouds are drifting gently, carried on by a wind.

Ah, pretty. Would be nicer if it wasn't so cold. Though the snow is melting. Yay!

I just watched two pigeons, well I think they were, attack a crow or maybe it was a hawk. I don't know but it was interesting how the circled and dove at the larger bird to chase it away!

You could practically see the indignation in every wingbeat as the bigger bird flew away. And of course the little ones we ecstatic. 

Today I am going shopping today at Stockmann, which is Finland's version of the Bay or Sears, but much more posh.

I will post something a bit more thought out later, but I had an earge to write and those birds were so blasted entertaining... does it sound like I'm bored?

PS; Dorian! I see what you did there! Trying to steal my readers! And I have only so few!

Cruel, cruel cruel!

Don't think that I was too busy watching birds to notice!


  1. Steal? I'm not stealing them... I'm just borrowing them... yes... and enriching their blog experience. You can have them back anytime you want to... :D

    Keep watching the birds. Yoink!

  2. Its better to go Shopping at Stockmann next week. "Hullut Päivät" is coming next week.
