Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ramblings 8: Just Sit Down!

I haven't a clue what to write about. But I need to post everyday, you slack off one day and it's easier to do the same the next.

Eventually the blog be forgotten or I post just once a month. That would suck because I like posting!

So here is me not slacking off and actually posting something, sort of the last minute for the day but I've been busy.

Went jogging, grocery shopping ,cooking, cleaning and just wondering around aimlessly. Okay so not so busy but nothing popped in my head to write about!

It is somehow easier to write of weekdays, my mind is a whirlwind on those days. Weekends and my brain just shuts off and goes on a holiday.

The problem is I keep wanting to post all day long on weekdays... maybe I should set up as a timer so I'll have something for the weekends... but then I'd slack off again!

Have to just sit my ass down and write or it just stops no matter how much like it.

Now for something nearly completely unrelated. Ever paid attention to your fingers when you are typing? I've asked a couple of friends this and not many have. Aside from when you are first learning to type and have to look for each and every key!

Now if I just watch my fingers typing away on this keyboard it seems somehow disconnected from me. Somehow that message from my brain is being relayed to my fingers that tap away on the keyboard almost as if they have a mind of their own. It is also a little bit difficult to focus on them when typing because then you start typing something completely different or start messing up.

Generally, I type looking at the screen or at nothing at all, sometimes eyes closed when I am attempting to catch a particular image onto paper... sorta like painting except for most people you need your eyes open for that.

I paint with words.

Corny but that's how I think of it sometimes.

Anyway try it sometime. Watch your fingers, not the keyboard by the way, as you type. You feel a little bit of dislocation when you do it. As if the hands aren't yours. This doesn't work if typing doesn't come "naturally" to you and you are still slowly taping away and actually need to look where the keys are.

Anyway that's my post, hope someone enjoys it!

1 comment:

  1. Heh, you asked me about watching my hands as I type the other day. *wonders if you were writing this blog as you were chatting with me*
