Monday, March 30, 2009

Edit: Why Not?

First off I'd like to say thank you to all those that comment!

And now to those that haven't ;):

My friend has a theory about why people don't comment. I do as well, a couple actually.

1) Not in the mood
2) Nothing to say
3) Too lazy
4) Don't want to be the first
5) Don't get the posts


Now I'd like to ask all those that read this:

1) What makes you comment
2) Why don't you comment
3) How can I make commenting more enjoyable

Should I not respond to comments? Should I have shorter posts?

I love being asked questions, I love it when topics for posts are suggested, and I get a kick out of reading the few that dare comment.

So how about it? Why don't you comment?

I promise not to bite... maybe just a nibble ;)


  1. First! I comment a lot of the time, if I feel like I have anything to contribute... or detract from the post.

    I just think only 10% of your audience bothers commenting. Or maybe even 5%. What you need is either a more vocal audience or... a large one. Preferably both. Hopefully, you won't inherit a troll though.

  2. Second! I'm here to steal even more of your traffic and bring up your visitors count. :D

  3. I just comment to provide a token amount of appreciation for your posts.
