Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Judging a Book

How often have you been told not to judge a book by its' cover? Or variations on that theme.

"Oh you shouldn't judge a person on their appearance or their pasts!"

Sorry to say but I do judge a book by its cover. If the cover does not appeal in some way I will not stop to take a closer look.

Which I believe carries over to people as well. How often have you dismissed a person based on their appearance or actively avoided them? How about based on their voice? Behavior?

What else do we have to judge a person on the first meeting than the surface?

I believe that of course you can't tell everything about a person from a glance. But I believe in listening to my gut. If something tells me to stay away from a person I will, especially if there is no one else around.

Also I believe you can train yourself to be able to get an incredibly good read on a person from just looking at their face. I am not trained in Face Reading, but I know it exists and from what I've seen of it, it seems to be pretty freakishly accurate. Also eye-reading, iridology can diagnose disease or health problems.

Your face records your life, from smiles to frowns, from thoughts to braindead (at the moment I can't think of the opposite of thought. Ha!) Also health, how is the skin? Does it glow? Is it pale? Dry? Lined? Scarred? Acne?

Generally people don't think why they react to people, but I think there is an unconscious process within us that categorizes all these and other features with different personality/behavior/health types. And when you have an instinctive reaction to a person this is your subconscious informing you of what it has observed.

Have you ever seen a person, that looks perfectly normal, just like an everyday average Joe and felt the urge to turn and run, and not stop running until you were safe and at home?

You get that feeling, I'd recommend following it.

In a lot of police reports you'll read about how a person felt uneasy or had a "bad feeling" about something or the person that attacked them and decided to ignore it.

Instinct is there for a reason. The reason we judge is there for a reason.

Of course some people are better at it than others, some are more aware, some are less.

But I think we can all teach ourselves to be more aware of the processes that are behind our judgments. 


  1. Gut feelings rationalized. Nice.

  2. Even though not 100 % correct, but majority of the time it only takes me a couple of mins talking to a person to realize the kind of personality they possess. Eye contact in particular tells you alot about how they are thinking of you and what you said, body language as well.

    There tends to be trends, to the way people present themselves to particular words you say. The way someone smiles, where their eyes look, and how long they look at you, it tells you alot about how they think about you, in turn allows you to make a judgement on what personality trait they belong in.
