Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Response: Ramblings 12

Maybe should I reword. 

The point I was making is that these things shouldn't be needed to make you happy, shouldn't define who you are. A car is a car is a car. A car is not who you are. Your job is not who you are. The latest timex watch is not who you are. 

These are physical objects and you shouldn't be dependent on them to define yourself.

Maybe I should use the word that they are a REQUIREMENT but not a NEED.

You can have a car, clothing, physical objects but you don't NEED them. You can live without them. When you are stripped bare you just don't need them.

What society teaches you is that you NEED the latest model, you NEED the newest style, you NEED their product.

1 comment:

  1. We don't necessarily NEED anything other shelter food and water to survive, we are really just the evolution of monkeys ourselves, so what we really NEED could be looked back upon our roots, looked at like we were only another species in the wild.

    I don't agree though on the society teaching us that we NEED everything you mentioned above. Its not that we NEED any of the above things to make us happy, we WANT these things because we want to satisfy our GREED within us.

    The evolution of the world doesnt provide us with more things we NEED, just more material to satisfy our GREED.

    The cruel reality is that people judge by appearences, and people will judge by what you wear, own , how you look.
    We don't NEED a car, money or a computer to make us happy, but we do NEED things other than food shelter and water to live because we are no longer wild life that lives from instincts, we are the creation of technology
